Podcast: Jew of Malta, 3.4

My podcast “Toilet Nunnery and Friends” is covering Act 3 Scene 4 of Shakespeare’s Jew of Malta. The over -all goal for my reading is to discuss how the scene might illustrate and how it is a key element to understanding the play in a broader sense, as well as give my audience an authentic feel for a scene reading as if they were just closing their eyes at a live performance. The central claim/thesis for my work is “Although Barabas and Ithamore are BOTH criminally minded, Barabas is more at fault for the downfall of other characters due to his control and investment like nature of relationships.” I whole heartedly believe that Barabas is the downfall of the whole play and its characters, without him Ithamore would have been criminally negligent as well, but he is nowhere near as bad as after Barabas coerces him into doing his bidding. Barabas seeks to control his whole world; his life, his daughter, his money, his friends, and as soon as he does not get what he wants…..he immediately plots their downfall for his own personal gain. Barabas’s greed for more and hypocrisy highlights this play as equally satirical as well as a revenge play. Appearance versus reality in this scene and overall theme in this play shows that nothing is as it seems in Malta, everyone has their own secret motives and pushes for them over the good will of others. Barabas uses this to his advantage, further hiding and disguising his own motives. Barabas pretends to be a quiet Jew minding his own business with his trade, uninterested in political issues, but he has is manipulating things to his own interest. Ithamore and Barabas swear to each other that they will be partners in crime, based on their mutual evil ways, but Barabas no sooner makes Ithamore his son and heir than he threatens to cut his throat if he is not loyal. Ithamore does not hesitate to blackmail his master to get money. Sooner or later Barabas fails to keep up his juggling act of deception as has to face the truth of his treachery by falling to his death. This scene highlights a key moment in the destruction Barabas causes in the chain of events to occur, and his own downfall.

Garit Daniels

Podcast: Night Vale Pilot


Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 1.22.31 PM.pngWelcome To Night Vale Episode One: Pilot


WelcometoNightVale. “1 – Pilot.” YouTube. YouTube, 14 Jan. 2015. Web. 9 Feb. 2017

Night Vale is a place where things never go quite as expected, and often have disastrous consequences. To those who are familiar with Night Vale that nothing is ever quite right in that town and there is little plot to the show with limited background information given to the events it discusses. Cecil speaks to the audience as if we are one of his own- a citizen of Night Vale but also at the same time an outsider. As an outsider we don’t know what to focus on first. The Night Vale addresses the strange occurrences of its everyday life suggests that we are assumed to be in at least partial knowledge of these affairs. He refers to the citizens of Night Vale by name as if we are to be as familiar with them as he is. The town is given no specific geographical setting for a reason because Night Vale is all around us/ everywhere. This strange and exotic town is a metaphor for everything we live through on a daily basis. Its exaggerated state of being reflects the chaos of our everyday lives. Night Vale citizens battle supernatural forces and inexplicable occurrences while we battle finals week and college tuition, and their questionable authority figures sometimes remind us of our own. Cecil even goes on to talk about the weather and daily going ons of this town as if we are really there. Yet through all of this, they are still able to maintain somewhat (ordinary to them) lives. The goal is to give the show as much animosity as possible while still realing the audience in to make them feel a part of the show and how we in the real world can overcome the also unfair and inexplicable occurances we face. Night vales successful horror is subtle and the pauses or transitions in between in segments gives me an idea for how I could do a reading of Agamemnon to give the audience an idea about how reeling and gruesome some scenes are.


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Blog Post 2: Podcast Anotation

Find and listen to a drama or drama history podcast of your choice and respond to the following in a 200-300 word paragraph. Post your paragraph and a link to the podcast to the course site by 3:00 by Tuesday, February 14.
  • 1. Cite the Podcast in MLA
  • 2. In 2-3 sentences give a synopsis of the goals/topics of the podcast. Is the podcast successful (i.e. does it meet the goals its sets for itself)?
  • 3. In 2-3 sentences explain one piece of evidence and how the hosts discussed/analyzed the evidence they presented.
  • In 1-2 sentences explain how you may use the podcast in your own project.