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Course Texts

Aeschylus. The Oresteia: Agamemnon; The Libation Bearers (Selections); The Eumenides. The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, Vol 1. 8th Ed.Ed. WB Stanford. Trans. Robert Fagles. New York: WW Norton & Co.,2006.  502-606. eReserve.

Aristophanes, The Frogs and Other Plays. Penguin Classics. Ed. Shomit Dutta. Trans. David Barrett. London: Penguin, 2006. (Ereserve)

The Wakefield Master. The Wakefield Second Shepherds’ Play. The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Vol A. 8th ed. Eds. Alfred David and James Simpson. WW Norton & Co., 2006. 406-435.  (eReserve.)

Marlowe, Christopher. The Jew of Malta. Norton Anthology of Renaissance Drama. Eds. David Bevington, et. al. WW Norton & Co., 2002. 287-349. (eReserve)

Shakespeare, William. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Norton Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Eds. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. Norton. WW Norton & Co., 2015. 121-181. (eReserve)

—–. Macbeth. Norton Shakespeare. 3rd ed. Eds. Stanley Wells and Gary Taylor. Norton. WW Norton & Co., 2015. 2709-2775. (eReserve.)

Dekker, Thomas, John Ford, and William Rowley. The Witch of Edmonton. Arden Early Modern Drama. Ed. Lucy Munro. London: Bloomsbury. (Bookstore)

William Wycherley, The Country Wife. New Mermaids. 2nd Ed. Tiffany Stern. London: Bloomsbury Muthen Drama, 2014. (Bookstore)

Universal Design and Accessibility

Issues of accessibility are an integral component of instruction for all students. While students should disclose non-standard needs in keeping with guidelines provided by the Office of Disability Services in order to have those needs augmented by digital tools such as voice to text software or close captioning. Major assignments can be adapted into more accessible modes upon request. 

Late or Missing Assignments

All work is due on the date and at the time specified on the calendar. Late work may not be accepted. If you know you will be absent the day an assignment is due or a quiz given, please let me know in advance. Whether the absence is planned or unplanned, you will be responsible for getting the work to me on time, and we will need to make the appropriate arrangements, including your provision of a documented excuse.


0-2 missed day(s)=100, 3 missed =50, 4 missed =0, 5 or more=may fail course. Please keep track of your own absences, and let me know in advance if you have to miss class. You are marked late if you more than 10 minutes late. All school sponsored and religious holidays will be excused if you let me know in advance. You are required to hand-in any missed work regardless of absences.


Cheating and plagiarism are serious violations of the Student Honor Code. Plagiarism is intentionally passing off sentences, paragraphs, or entire papers written by someone else as your own original work. All plagiarized assignments will earn an F and incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Honor Council. First Honor Code violations can result in “F in the course on the student’s permanent transcript” (SHC). We will discuss how to locate, summarize, incorporate, and document secondary sources throughout the semester to avoid any inadvertent mistakes.


Since we are composing multimodally throughout the course, you are encouraged to bring to class and operate laptops, tablets, and smart phones. This class is devoted to developing in students best practices for negotiating among virtual communities and the real time of the classroom.

Writing Center Domain Support

Please consider setting up a tutoring session at the Oxford Writing Center. By talking with a tutor, you can gain perspective over the purpose, design, and usability of your digital texts, and the choices you make as a writer. The Writing Center is located on the second floor of the Oxford Library.

Course Website

The class website, which contains the course description, outcomes, required texts, polices, and the calendar is Please note that the course calendar, assignments, and texts are subject to minor revision over the duration of the semester, and while the course site will be updated to reflect changes, the paper syllabus will not.


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